Utilizing Canva for Education to Improve Skills in Making Infographics and Teaching Materials to Support the Promotion and Learning Process at MI Tamrinul Aulad Janggalan Kudus


  • Noor Latifah
  • Noor Yulita Dwi Setyaningsih
  • Imam Abdul Rozaq
  • Supriyono Supriyono

Kata Kunci:

Infografis, canva, promosi, pembelajaran


Information technology is currently developing very rapidly and has affected all aspects of human life in society. Information needs at this time can be obtained very quickly and more easily, this is one of the impacts of technological developments that are developing quickly and rapidly. The development of information technology also has an impact on the education sector, including the learning process and also how to promote schools. MI TAMRINUL AULAD is an educational unit with an MI level (Madrasah Ibtidaiyah) in Janggalan, Kota Kudus District, Kudus Regency, Central Java. In carrying out its activities, MI TAMRINUL AULAD is under the auspices of the Ministry of Religion. The situation analysis that has been carried out at the service location turns out that teachers and educators are still confused and have difficulties in designing promotional flyers, making attractive teaching material designs and designing infographics. Teaching materials presented to students are still monotonous, tend to be less varied and less interesting so that it affects students' reading interest and learning interest. In order to implement the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, the Muria Kudus University Community Service Team took the initiative to help conduct training on the use of Canva for Education to improve skills in making infographics and teaching materials to support school promotion and the learning process at MI Tamrinul Aulad Janggalan Kudus. Promotion and teaching materials are a very important part of the education component, the delivery of information that is easy, fast and precise will support school progress and can increase interest in learning and promotion through online media can reach all areas widely, therefore it is necessary to increase skills to design interesting infographics and teaching materials using the Canva application.




