Implementasi Load Balancing Menggunakan Jaringan Indihome Dan Telkomsel Pada Mikrotik Router Dengan Metode NTH


  • Dimara Kusuma Hakim Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto
  • Amin Yahyo Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto



Kebutuhan akan akses internet saat ini sangat tinggi, banyak sekolah yang telah mengintegrasikan jaringan internet kedalam proses belajar-mengajar maupun guru dalam proses administrasi pelaporan disekolah yang sekarang semuanya harus online. Salah satunya ialah SLB Negeri Mandiraja yaitu sebuah instansi pendidikan yang telah menjadikan jaringan Internet sebagai salah satu hal yang sangat penting disekolah. SLB Negeri Mandiraja menginginkan suatu koneksi internet yang stabil dan handal. Pemilihan Nth load balancing dikarenakan metode tersebut memenuhi kriteria karena dapat meningkatkan kecepatan koneksi dan membagi beban pada kedua gateway agar tidak terjadi overload. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method) yaitu penelitian pengembangan dengan pengujian kuantitatif dan kualitatif (menggunakan uji statistik). Pengujian untuk membandingkan hasil sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan load balancing menggunakan parameter quality of service (Qos) yaitu throughput, packet loss, dan delay. Nilai rata-rata Throughput sebelum menggunakan load balancing 464,78633 sedangkan nilai rata-rata Throughput sesudah menggunakan load balancing 1434,61273. Nilai rata-rata packet loss pengujian sebelum load balancing 1,093 dan nilai rata-rata packet loss sesudah menggunakan load balancing 0,280. Nilai rata-rata delay sebelum menggunakan load balancing 56,45521 dan nilai rata-rata delay sesudah menggunakan load balancing 34,37002. Hasil analisis menggunakan penghitungan pada sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan load balancing dapat terlihat hasil perbedaannya yang sangat signifikan maka pemanfaatan load balancing sudah sesuai harapan karena telah berhasil membagi traffic secara seimbang sehingga mengurangi terjadinya packet loss, mempercepat waktu tanggap dan memaksimalkan throughput.


Kata Kunci : Internet, quality of service, Nth, Load balancing.



The demand for internet access nowadays is very high, many schools have integrated the internet network into the teaching learning process as well as for teachers in the school administrative reporting process which currently all have to be online. One of them is SLB Negeri Mandiraja which is an educational institution that has made the Internet network as one of the most essential things at school. SLB Negeri Mandiraja desired a stable and reliable internet connection. Load balancing was chosen since the method met the criteria because it was able to increase the connection speed and divided the load on the two gateways to avoid overload. This study used a mixed method; namely research development with quantitative and qualitative testing by using statistical tests. The testing to compare results prior and post application of load balancing employed the quality of service (Qos) parameters of throughput, packet loss, and delay. The average value of throughput prior to load balancing was 464,78633 while the average value of throughput after the application of load balancing was 1434.61273. The average value of packet loss testing prior to load balancing was 1.093 and the average value of packet loss after load balancing was 0.280. The average value of delay before the application of load balancing was 56.45521 and the average value of delay after load balancing was 34.37002. The results of the analysis by calculations prior and post application of load balancing demonstrated very significant difference. Therefore, the use of load balancing was as expected because it has succeeded to divide the traffic in a balanced manner so as to reduce packet loss, speed up response time and maximized throughput.






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